Dekan Dukung Gerakan Literasi

FISIPUNTAN, Pontianak. Dekan Dukung Gerakan Literasi Masyarakat, ditegaskan Dr.Herlan, S.Sos, M.Si saat memberikan sambutan Dekan FISIP UNTAN pada giat  bimbingan teknis (bimtek) implementasi program gerakan literasi.

Bimtek yang diselenggarakan Dosen Ilmu Administrasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura (FISIP UNTAN) dilaksanakan Rabu (11/10/23) pada waktu pagi hingga sesi siang hari di Laboratorium Komputer fakultas.

Dekan Dukung Gerakan Literasi

Sebelumnya, Bimtek ini diikuti oleh 20 orang peserta yang terdiri dari pejabat dan staf Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang dipimpin langsung oleh Sekretaris Dinas, Rusdety, SH.

Dalam sambutannya, Dekan FISIP UNTAN, Dr. Herlan, M.Si, mendukung penuh kegiatan PKM yang mengimplementasikan program nasional semacam gerakan literasi.

Jadi menurutnya, kegiatan ini sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya literasi.

“Literasi merupakan kunci untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat kita. Dengan literasi, masyarakat dapat mengakses informasi dan pengetahuan yang luas juga tidak rentan akan hoaks,” ujar Herlan.

Dekan FISIP UNTAN Dukung Gerakan Literasi Masyarakat

Baca berita menarik terkait literasi

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Bimtek ini menghadirkan tim dosen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UNTAN sebagai narasumber. Materi yang disampaikan meliputi manajemen referensi paperpile, manajemen satu data dan informasi publik.

Dan selanjutnya materi yang telah diolah dengan beragam aplikasi dan teknik pengaturan itu kemudian di rangkum dalam satu laman web.

“Peserta juga di bimbing teknis step by step dalam membangun website platform GSITE hingga publish, keberhasilan peserta sekira 80%” kata anggota tim narasumber, Dr.Pardi.

Narasumber dari tim dosen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UNTAN, Dr. Hj. Sri Maryuni, M.Si, mengatakan bahwa bimtek ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta tentang pentingnya literasi dan cara mengimplementasikannya dalam program gerakan literasi.

Bimtek implementasi program gerakan literasi ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan sebelumnya, yakni sosialisasi gerakan literasi masyarakat.

Dan pelaksanaannya di kantor Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kabupaten Kubu Raya (21/06/2023).

“Bimtek ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas peserta, karena sudah memahami aplikasi dan teknik  dalam mengimplementasikan program gerakan literasi di Kabupaten Kubu Raya,” ujar Sri Maryuni.

Karena itu peserta bimtek mengaku sangat terbantu dengan materi yang disampaikan oleh narasumber. Mereka berharap kegiatan bimtek ini dapat terus dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan.

“Materi yang disampaikan sangat bermanfaat. Kami berharap kegiatan bimtek ini dapat terus dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan,” ujar Rusdety, SH.

Berita terkait baca di:

sosialisasi dan pelatihan gerakan literasi masyarakat 

sumber: PPID FISIP UNTAN, 2023

Subheading Distribution

I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to learning skills. The only way to truly master a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are some people who will disagree. It is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they’ve heard or read. That number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. Following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

Subheading Distribution

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.


1. Know the words

Actually knowing the transition words is most commonly a problem for non-native speakers. However, many native speakers could also benefit from studying the less frequent ones. In any case, it is easy to do. You simply look up a list of transition words and study their definitions. Don’t underestimate it either, though! They are often quite nuanced and really depend on context.

2. Be aware of how your thoughts and ideas relate to each other

In the blog post assignments people hand in for feedback in our SEO training courses, we see a clear pattern. People who have a better idea of the structure of their text also use more transition words and do it more effectively. Too often, people just start writing and then basically just see what happens. So what can you do?

Break your text down into an introduction, body, and conclusion, and make sure you know what goal every paragraph serves. Then, survey your text on a sentence level. Find opportunities to make transitions that make sense. If you struggle with this, try reading texts by other authors and see how they use transition words.

Want to learn more about transition words and how to write great content? Our SEO Copywriting course can help you with that. You can get access to this course and all of our other SEO courses with Yoast SEO Premium, which also gives you access to extra features in the Yoast SEO plugin.