Rapat Terbuka Senat Dies Natalis ke-58
FISIPUNTAN, Pontianak. Rapat Terbuka Senat Dies Natalis ke-58, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Tanjungpura menggelar Rapat Terbuka Senat dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-58.
Rapat Terbuka Senat ini dihadiri dan dibuka langsung oleh Dekan FISIP UNTAN Pontianak, Herlan, di Gedung Konferensi Ruang Teater 1 Universitas Tanjungpura pada Senin (25/9/2023) seperti dilansir untan.ac.id
Dalam sambutannya Herlan mengupayakan agar peringkat akreditasi akan lebih ditingkatkan lagi kedepannya.
“Di FISIP UNTAN sekarang sudah ada 14 program studi. S-1ada delapan program studi, D-3 ada tiga program studi. Mudah-mudahan program studi yang kita miliki memang sejalan kebutuhan masyarakat,” ujar Herlan.
Kemudian empat dari program studi yang ada sudah terakreditasi A, ada tujuh yang terakreditasi B, dan ada satu yang baik sekali Ilmu Politik dan ada dua kategori baik.
Baca berita menarik lainnya : Konferensi Internasional ICONAST
Salah satu perguruan tinggi yang hebat adalah banyaknya para dosen, mahasiswa yang memiliki jurnal terakreditasi. Di tahun 2023, jurnal dosen FISIP berjumlah 260 publikasi.
Program ini tetap dilaksanakan, semangat menulis baik secara terakreditasi nasional maupun terakreditasi internasional tetap dijalankan.
Tahun 2023 ini ada tiga orang mahasiswa yang berprestasi internasional untuk non-akademik. Di Kamboja ada satu mahasiswa yang mendapatkan Perunggu, dua mahasiswa juara 2 balap sepeda di Malaysia, kemudian sampai saat ini total mahasiswa FISIP yang berprestasi sebanyak 20 mahasiswa.
berita selengkapnya:
Rapat Terbuka Senat Dies Natalis ke-58, FISIP UNTAN Pontianak Terus Tingkatkan Kapasitas Kampus Menuju Go International
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I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to learning skills. The only way to truly master a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are some people who will disagree. It is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they’ve heard or read. That number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. Following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.
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In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.
In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.